Gardening projects


The vegetable garden last autumn looked glorious. As you can see, beautifully rotavated and ready for spring planting. However, the weeds beat us this year! And we need to start rotavating again. Thanks be to God a rotavator has kindly been donated to the convent. Now we are hoping for more hands to come to our aid, to help get the vegetable garden ready again for this spring. Any keen gardeners are welcome!

There is also the chicken coop to re-establish, a run needs to be created, and the doors repaired. We are looking forward to having our own chickens and fresh eggs soon.

Another asset of the garden are the cold frames, ready for our salad crops, but missing the glass lids! We have the glass, thanks to David from Church who was a glazier, but now need a helping hand to re-make the frames.

At the top of the garden there is a little grotto, with a lovely statue of Our Lady, and a beautiful statue of Jesus lying in the tomb. We would love to clear this area to create a space for outdoor prayer, Masses and marian processions.

There is also a flat area of garden, with a view to the sea, which we hope to have paved, to create a seating area… another project!

And apart from all of these jobs, the garden needs regular strimming, the paths need clearing, the dry-stone walling which has been overgrown needs to be uncovered … the list is long!

Any help/time you can give would be greatly received!


Flat roof repairs