Greenhouse reborn


When moving convents you wouldn’t quite imagine what the nuns could bring… This time we reached a new level of extraordinary with the translation of our greenhouse!

Our dear greenhouse had been gifted to us during our first year in Grayshott by some wonderful friends and was too lovely to leave behind. So it was carefully dismantled, the glass panes wrapped in newspaper, and all was packed, with a lot of hope, into our moving vans!

After arriving here in Lynton, we discovered in the garden the concrete base of a former greenhouse, with tap ready to hand. All seemed prepared for us, however the base was of a differing size…

Unable to reconstruct the concrete base ourselves, we prayed for help, and were blessed to meet Terry from the village. Terry, together with his wife Renee, spends half the year running a mission in Nepal. They have set up a school there and build wells to provide clean drinking water. Who better to help build our greenhouse?!

It was a joy to work together. Terry taught us how to mix cement, and worked with great diligence, to make sure our greenhouse would be strong enough to survive the Lynton winds. We grew our first tomatoes there this summer and hope it will continue to bear fruit for many years to come. Thank you Terry!!


An army of helpers


A God sent gardener