A God sent gardener


The convent gardens are quite something. On a steep slope, all south facing, wonderfully terraced, with dry stone walls and paths, a huge vegetable patch, many fruit trees, roses, flowering bushes and plants… a great blessing, and a lot of work!

During our first year here we’ve been concentrating mostly on the inside of the convent so we’ve had less time to give to the garden. But again God has sent us a great gift in our friend Richard who has decided to make our garden his retirement project! Thank you Jesus!

Whilst we have less time to make plans, Richard is on the case, helping to organise the jobs that need to be done and leading us to action! So much has been accomplished in this first year, paths uncovered, vegetable patches rotavated, sheds organised, carparking improved, seeds sown, potatoes, onions, tomatoes, kale and lettuce grown.

However, there remains so much to do, more than we can do ourselves, so we are very happy to welcome keen gardeners as volunteers. Restoring the convent gardens will be a long project, but we are looking forward to seeing it all unfold and would love to have your help!


Greenhouse reborn